It's a part of our fitrah that we are drawn to beautiful objects/sights. in fact, Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty.
It's a part of being women, that we want to be pretty, wear fashionable clothes, have healthy skin, put on pretty make ups and have a great body.
I'm not so much into high-ends fashion and stuff, do mix and match all the times rather than trying to keep up with the trend, pretty ignorant sometimes... but I believe I have sound judgement when it comes to physical appearance, that includes, what-you-wear... I refuse to say 'fashion' as I said, I'm rather ignorant.
I always feel like it's an honor when people ask for my opinion about what they are wearing. Almost every member in the family does that once in while. I also give out opinion even when they don't ask, and they always welcome my views with open arms which makes me feel so happy and appreciated.
I may not be that stylish or fashionable myself, but I always try my best not to appear so out of place. On that note, I would like to share one thing that I ALWAYS remember.... a Malay proverb that says;
'Ukur baju di badan sendiri'