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Cantik Untuk Siapa?

Recently, I stalked browsed through facebooks of a friend's wedding photos. I still feel a tad guilty that I didn't make to her wedding because I had to go to Perlis on that very date. I bought her a card, which I wanted to post but kept delaying until she has returned to Aus. haish... 

I know this friend in person and I hold her close to my heart. However, I'm not writing this on that reason, I only think that she's set a good example for many. 

It's turning into a trend to have a big amazing wedding, not just wedding.. engagement pun besar-besar which I don't see a point. Anyway, my friend, she is pretty. one of the prettiest girl I've ever known in person. 

In her photos, of course she looks gorgeous as always...especially she's the pengantin, selalunya pengantin la kena paling lawa semua., make up mestinya mau gempal, eh gempal.. gempak... but my friend, she looks so fabulously natural. no fake lashes, no layered of caking concealer and powder, no heavy lipstick, no no no.. almost, no make ups. mungkin la pakai bedak selapis pelembap bibir sikit ka. 

I imagine if you went to that kenduri with style like mak datin, mesti rasa mcm lebih2 dari pengantin. She reminds me of my brother's wedding in which my sis in law pun tak mekap sgt and my brother pakai biasa-biasa saja dan pergi sambut tetamu. haha... 

If you browsed through facebook or blogs, sometimes you notice a trend among anak gadis masa kini. kalau muka cantik, gambar tu nmpak cantik, upload buat profile pict. haha..indeed, I always fear I'd fall into this trend. Ada org pernah cakap, 'kalau u nak blog u ramai follower, selalu la letak gambar u yg nampak cantik'. hahaa. ok. 

But my friend has sort of reminded me that, you don't have to display your beauty to everyone. of course, modern women must always look presentable. Bukan suruh selekeh selebek. kena la tahu jaga ketrampilan. Jangan la pergi kerja macam nak pasar ikan. 

But be just to yourself ladies. there's place and time for everything, and that includes displaying your beauty. Mmg la.. kalau letak gambar cantik selalu senang dapat peminat, tapikan... when you're married.. I don't think your man would approve yourself being displayed like that. I don't know, maybe there's man who likes people to stare at her wife and says "dude, your wife is hot". urgh, tolongla! Isteri is not a trophy ok!

Ladies, if you're born pretty.. say thank to Allah. some women have to do everything in their power to look good. but for less attractive women, it's also a blessing... Allah has spared you from the gaze of men... you have no idea what it does to their heart. Allah has spared you from vanity which sets many women away from their main priority... pleasing Allah SWT.

Siapa taknak nampak/jadi cantik kan... tambah pulak kalau 'cik abang'nya didekati wanita2 lebih cantik.... tak apa, cinta itu bukan hanya pada rupa... kalau dia setia, dtglah siapa pun. (eh, terkluaq tajuk)... anyway, I always remind myself, the best and most beautiful women are the women of paradise. Indeed in paradise, the believing women are better than the hoor al-ayn. InshaAllah.

Saya pun kadang-kandang lupa, terlebih melaram... perasan lebih dan sebagainya... Silalah ingatkan saya ya... Alang-alang mahu sgt jadi cantik, cantiklah yg kekal selamanya.... dan tentunya hanya di syurga. ;)

:: kalau nak cinta sampai ke syurga, carilah orang yang mahu ke sana::


AfIqAh^^AiSyAh said…
waa~~ as always, ur writing mmg sgt cantik n straight x selindung2.. i love this post so much!!! sangat setuju la makcik!!!! i hope i wont fall into that category of people jugak =)
Anonymous said…
makasih Zan. Harap ada manfaat terutama utk diri sendiri.

haha.. fiqah, kalau selindung nnt point tak sampai. sama2lah kita saling mengingati. heee... iA

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