Oh, my dear nephew is enrolling to Maahad today. Oh, I could see his murky face when he kissed me goodbye… Sorry dear, makcik tak hantaq, malas nak menyempit kereta… the thought of being sent away from home for the first time must be dreadful… oh, I know it well… masuk asrama memang tak best. Anyways, you’re a boy, you must do well…
It reminds me of my first day being away from home. I rushed for a shower the moment I saw my ayah’s car left the school yard. It was still early for a late noon shower, but all I wanted was just to cry (out of anyone sights, since that I found shower is a great place to shed my tears)… haha… I couldn’t sleep at nights, found it so hard to make friends and follow the rules… For a year, I scribbled everywhere a note ‘adik nak balik, adik benci asrama’… wishing that my parents would read and get me out of there… hahaa… Oh, I made it through though… Eventually, a bunk bed did give me some good sleeps, I made lot of friends….oh, but I never really succeeded in complying with rules… my bad.
Anyways, it must be harder for him. His school is miles away in Perlis. My school wasn’t really far. Ayah used to send me food every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Else, I refused to eat. I hated carrying tray and queuing up for food. I hated the smell of Dewan Makan… It went like that for half of a year… haha… Oh, what a spoilt child I was! I remembered well, how I’d fallen ill, really ill after a week or two being at the hostel… My parents were really patient, thanks so much Mak Ayah…
But I spent my best 3 years of school experience there before I entered a Sek Sains in Perlis. Going to Sek Sains was a tough move for me. It was against my parents wish. But my parents are my parents, they still visited me regularly. Oh, thanks again. My parents are awesome!
Hostel life was indeed a good experience… I would still have been a spoilt child if I were not sent away. Haha... I am still am sometimes, but I guess… it could never be worst than growing up not knowing how to carry myself on my own…
My dear Talhah… you’ll be okay… nanti baba mesti selalu pergi Perlis punya, melawat… take care!
just registered and put on my todo list
hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.