Bismillah Arrahman Arrahim
Greatest thanks to Allah who gives me life and shows me the light to lit it.
Yesterday, I turned 22.
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who had wished me… To Aisyah, your cheesecake is lovely.. Don’t worry about how it looks like.. the taste is superb…ya..and Mas that nasi lemak tastes great too…and Oya… that video really made my day…Actually it’s good to know that u have a collection of my awkward moment photos.. and I love my Tie Rack new hijjab..Thanks girls.. Muna.. I love black.. It’s cool.. For those who wished me a couple of times because I kept saying that I haven’t born before the dawn (Malaysia time) when u wished me around 12 .. I really appreciate it and I was really happy that u guys ‘layan’ my ‘kemengadaan’…
On top of all… my ayah gave a really thoughtful wished. “Adik, selamat ulang tahun kelahiran yang ke-.. dah berapa dah umur? ( come he forgot..then I reminded him, 22)….ke-22…. Moga semakin bersungguh dalam ibadat, tingkatkan ibadat… moga berjaya dalam hidup di dunia dan akhirat.. moga tercapai cita-cita dan dapat menyelesaikan segala yang telah dimula…” ok~ That is my ayah.. whenever he calls me.. he never forgets to remind me “jangan tinggal solat..rajin-rajin baca quran”.. so it’s not weird for him to give such wish on my birthday… and I’m happy… out of all individuals I’ve known throughout my whole life… ayah is always be my no.1 reminder… and from mak.. I got quite a similar wish… but it’s funny cause mak has started talking about marriage.. Anyway, it’s not that I should get’s just that she thinks, it’s better off for me to finish up my study first… hahahaa.. It’s not like she is against people getting married while studying.. It’s just that she knows me so well.. Don’t worry mak, I have a big plan for my future.. by Allah will, marriage could wait….
Ok, a birthday.. what is that?
Thinking of it, I could not think further but to realize that my time is running out. I know not how long is my appointed time in this world.. but a birthday reminds me that it’s getting shorter. There is so much to do.. So many plans in my head.. but only Allah knows weather I’ll have the time to make them real..
I need to change myself. Well, the process has started long before.. and it never stops.. But sometimes, it gets really slow.. even worst it reverses once in a while… So, I need to remind myself to work harder than before… to make a progressive and generic change in myself is not easy if I’m not istiqamah… yeah, that’s the word.. Istiqamah… so.. Asriah, be Istiqamah..!!!
Lately, things get a little bit rough.. studio is tough, I have cough… and etc… However, I should not whine… I’m 22.. at the other part of the world… at 22, they fight in the war..while some others deal with a hardship of life that I could never imagine...
There is one thing that is bothering me… a question..
Asriah, at 22, what have u achieved for the benefits of your religion?
Greatest thanks to Allah who gives me life and shows me the light to lit it.
Yesterday, I turned 22.
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who had wished me… To Aisyah, your cheesecake is lovely.. Don’t worry about how it looks like.. the taste is superb…ya..and Mas that nasi lemak tastes great too…and Oya… that video really made my day…Actually it’s good to know that u have a collection of my awkward moment photos.. and I love my Tie Rack new hijjab..Thanks girls.. Muna.. I love black.. It’s cool.. For those who wished me a couple of times because I kept saying that I haven’t born before the dawn (Malaysia time) when u wished me around 12 .. I really appreciate it and I was really happy that u guys ‘layan’ my ‘kemengadaan’…
On top of all… my ayah gave a really thoughtful wished. “Adik, selamat ulang tahun kelahiran yang ke-.. dah berapa dah umur? ( come he forgot..then I reminded him, 22)….ke-22…. Moga semakin bersungguh dalam ibadat, tingkatkan ibadat… moga berjaya dalam hidup di dunia dan akhirat.. moga tercapai cita-cita dan dapat menyelesaikan segala yang telah dimula…” ok~ That is my ayah.. whenever he calls me.. he never forgets to remind me “jangan tinggal solat..rajin-rajin baca quran”.. so it’s not weird for him to give such wish on my birthday… and I’m happy… out of all individuals I’ve known throughout my whole life… ayah is always be my no.1 reminder… and from mak.. I got quite a similar wish… but it’s funny cause mak has started talking about marriage.. Anyway, it’s not that I should get’s just that she thinks, it’s better off for me to finish up my study first… hahahaa.. It’s not like she is against people getting married while studying.. It’s just that she knows me so well.. Don’t worry mak, I have a big plan for my future.. by Allah will, marriage could wait….
Ok, a birthday.. what is that?
Thinking of it, I could not think further but to realize that my time is running out. I know not how long is my appointed time in this world.. but a birthday reminds me that it’s getting shorter. There is so much to do.. So many plans in my head.. but only Allah knows weather I’ll have the time to make them real..
I need to change myself. Well, the process has started long before.. and it never stops.. But sometimes, it gets really slow.. even worst it reverses once in a while… So, I need to remind myself to work harder than before… to make a progressive and generic change in myself is not easy if I’m not istiqamah… yeah, that’s the word.. Istiqamah… so.. Asriah, be Istiqamah..!!!
Lately, things get a little bit rough.. studio is tough, I have cough… and etc… However, I should not whine… I’m 22.. at the other part of the world… at 22, they fight in the war..while some others deal with a hardship of life that I could never imagine...
There is one thing that is bothering me… a question..
Asriah, at 22, what have u achieved for the benefits of your religion?
anyway, thanks...
pjah! thanks heaps.. good to know that my writing has such quality..hahha..