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Yesterday, I went to a meeting regarding Palestine - Israel conflict held by Socialist Alternative. Well, I'm not one of their members even though I, once accidentally gave my details to them. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, these people are doing a really good job. By the way, back on the story of meeting, it was actually open to everybody and I got the info from last rally on Sunday. Along with me are my housemates, Oya n Mas. 3 speakers gave talk on the meeting, forgive me, I can't remember their names but they gave really good talks. One of them was directly brought from Gaza a representative from Union of Health Committees Gaza, he is a nurse there and currently in Melbourne giving talks regarding the real situation in Gaza. I wasn't shocked when he told me that there is no guarantee that all the troops had been widrawn from Gaza even though Israel had announced the cease-fire. Expected. Since when Israel kept their promises n media talks the truth? Because, if u listen to the mass media, it will say that the last soldier had leaved last Wednesday. This is bullshark! (well, I use a cute version of the speaker's word...)

The other speaker is a Palestinian who lives in Australia and had been involving in Palestine issues for years. He told, when he called his relatives in Palestinian asking how they are doing, the answer was ' we are staying but not living...'

I was really smitten by the seriousness of their efforts. It is pretty common to hear people talking about the horrific situations and counting numbers of injured n martyrs. Well, in a way, it helps to call upon public conciusness of this issue but the problem will not resolve. Thing is not as simple as going out yelling n marching on a rally but it is far beyond that. Solutions were discussed in the meeting. Although the implementations might take years but the goal is pretty clear. Well, they talked about 1 state solution, but the representative from Gaza clearly stated that he and his people have no hopes and cannot be optimistic anymore. It is pretty well understood, the issue has been going on for more than 60 years... The wound of Palestinian not just externally.. but those wounds also bleed inwardly. So, one of the goals here is to isolate Israel. They urged Australian Govt to cut all kind of connections and supports for the Zionist. Australian is indeed quite a big supporter for the Zionist especially in financing them, through taxes and etc. Well, it is important to clearly understand here that we are not against the Jewish, our real enemy is the Zionist. If all the west could stop their supports for Zionist, Israel will be isolated. It's a long way to go but we must go.

My mind somehow flew back to Malaysia, thinking of my people... What are they really doing??? Do they really pay attention towards the issue as much as Australians do?? Or is it just kedai kopi's petty talks or 'hot-hot chicken shit...' (hee..) I can't say much because I'm away from home, but I hope, my people is doing much much better than Australians, because to them, this is humanitarian issue but to us..this is aqeedah issue... We need to act... don't just goes to me too. I talk a lot...huhu...Lets make it happen... Ameen...

And ya..another rally in front of state library @5 pm today.. Yallah Melburnian!


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