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  1. i can see a great gesture of mujaddids and mujahids who promised a great future of this holy religion...As it says in the hadith:"Allah shall raise for this Umma at the head of every century a man who shall renew (or revive) for it its religion" (Sunan Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Malahim, ch. 1)...which, i can say.. this gesture has already begun and its visible to my eyes... Alhamdullillah...i might not live long enough to see Islam rises again, control the earth and ruled by a great khalifah..(we don't even have any khalifah at the moment) long as its already began... there is a promise...
  2. and i want to be one of the mujahidah who strives in Allah's path and for the sake of His religion.
  3. i can see Palestine liberated and Al-Quds becomes a free sanctuary for every Muslim's soul.
  4. i can walk anywhere on the earth and people will respect and be friend with me as i am a Muslim... not just a human being...sometimes, even with a Muslim, they hardly be friend in the cause of religion.. but it rather be due to nationality or maybe same course, same language, same wonder, sometimes...thou a born-Muslim might treat me equally as other friends of his or hers who are non-Muslim...(ada la sorg tu in my studio- to qilah, mas n oya----> u guys know what I'm saying...hahah)
  5. i can sleep less at night and perform more devotional prayers... is it just me who find it is really hard to wake up one third of night...??? be deaf or dead..the alarm clock is soundless... tried so many times, but it hardly comes to a success unless it is a nightmare which shakes me up from my deep sleep or..i go to bed at 8pm...huh..sigh..
  6. haa..this is a really important thing to me... i wish..i can see qilah put on hijjab...(",) i mean, permanently..not just for Qc or any specific occasions....once she decides to wear hijjab.. i think..i'll be the happiest friend on earth... haa.. to qilah..i know u will.. and i'm waiting for the long as i am alive... hopefully... it happens before i pass away... but if my soul and my body do part before the moment... i know u would never let me down... and please don't tell Allah on the day of judgment that I never advice u to do so... as i might not know what i should say in front Him as u are my dearest friend of mine...
  7. i wish i can see my parents and family... haven't seen them for almost 8 months and really miss them.. i want to tell them how much i love them.. i want to hug my mum as long as i could...i want to play with my nieces and nephews... i really love kids... especially babies and toddlers.. they are so cute... my heart will be tempted with excitement whenever i see them laughing...
  8. i can give some of my possessions to those who are needy... i think i posses too many worldly materials which will burden me one day as it seems as if I'm not using Allah gifts wisely...whilst i know there are some people who need these things more... to those who read my blog... take this as a will.. if i die.. do give all my belongings to those who need them...keep them i will not rise from death and come back to this world and use them..but i will be awakened on the day of resurrections and will be questioned about those things... Subhanallah...
  9. i wish that my non-Muslims friends will become Muslims especially those who are in my 'list'... so success..but, give up not! wink*...
  10. i also wish.. i can tell all my Muslims friends how much i love them.. as i read Riyadhusalihin once and it says..if we love a Muslim..we should tell him or her....what a greatest nikmat on earth which can only be tasted by us, 'ukhwah'... and how those non-Muslims miss this great thing... to all my brothers and sisters in Islam... i love u all for the sake of Allah as i wish..Allah will love me back...Amin...
  11. herm.. this eleventh wish is pretty weird.. but laugh at me not as i am serious... haha.. opps..why am i laughing..herm... i wish i have a son and name him Mus'ab... huhu.. i am so influenced and amazed by the character of Mus'ab ibn Umayr, one of the great companion of the prophet...but.. maybe i will not live long enough to get married and have son..huhu.. therefore..if anyone has the same amazement of a beautiful character of Mus'ab.. doubt not to name ur son Mus'ab... huhu...does anyone willing to pursuit my dream as i may not be alive tomorrow???? hands up??? hehe...
  12. herm..talking bout marriage... i want to see one of my dearest friend gets married..herm..this friend of mine, whom i know her since form 4.. is the most sincerest friend i ever seen.. i can say really caring... another friend of mine once said.. she is the most caring friend he ever meet...she is the one who always be there whenever i need a friend... i can say, she is the one who i will tell almost everything...huhu... and right now.. from my seeing her 'hijrah'....i know..about this hijrah thingy...we are in this phase right now.. may Allah guide us to the right path...but to this friend of mine.. her hijrah.. really excited me... im happy seeing her pacing phase by phase everyday... and, her change is sort of my boost my spirit to do better...hiiii... :) i want to see her gets married because... i want her to be with a perfect man who will guide her and love her and treat her in a way which Allah prefers... once i see this... i will be satisfy as i know..she will be happy and stay guided... :) herm..this friend of mine is mastura othman..
  13. i also wish another friend of mine, called oya who is in the same phase...revolution... will be succeeded in her life dunya and akhirat... i was not that close to her before... but with Allah will, RMIT has brought us together ..and i really enjoy this closeness of a blossoming friendship... and..maybe i want to see her getting married as well..hhahhaa..same goes to qilah... i want to see u getting married..huhu...for the same reason... i want them to obtain a great life and stay guided..i will be happy.... forget not to invite me..if..i am still alive...
  14. 14th wish... i should put this at the very beginning of this list but i forgot.. i wish everyone in this world whom i may have hurt, inflicted pains, spoken and done bad things, offended or anything which bring discontent to ur heart will forgive me... i am so really really asking for ur forgiveness hence Allah will forgive me...and.. insyaAllah.. i will always forgive all my brothers and sisters in Islam... far..its 14.... its not the end of the list yet..haha..if i am still alive tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.. maybe i will keep the list goes on and on..but enough for now... as... these are just wishes... but i wish they will be true.. be live or die... i hope, they will come true...insyaAllah.. whatever it live or die... i wish tomorrow will always be better than today... Amin...


Anonymous said…
good wishes...

insyaAllah, taqabbalalllahu..

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