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Teeth Gone Wired #01

As much as the moral is concerned, that a kind heart and good demeanor are more substantial than good look, we can’t deny the fact that we are indeed living in an image conscious society. Although the perception of a person is often changed after knowing the person beyond his/her look, the first sight sometimes makes a permanent impression. So why gamble on your personality, if you had the choice not to.

Beauty is great though, that it should rest in the eyes of the beholder. The shape and size of your eyes, nose, lips or even your body are beautiful just the way they are. There will always be someone who finds you beautiful or even admires and envies your eyes/nose/lips whether you realize it or not. Two things however are a real gift that you should really be grateful of are a healthy skin and well-aligned teeth. 

Yesterday marked the third weeks of me wearing braces. It’s frustrating that I can’t still notice any change. Anyway, the whole process will take up about a year and a half to two years, it’s normal not to see any change yet.

And this is, my very first post of the many that would follow regarding wearing an orthodontic braces. I won’t go long into the technical stuff of wearing this funny thing inside my mouth, but rather sharing, what I feel like sharing…mostly personal.

Why did I decide to get an orthodontic treatment?
I was, like the many of you born toothless. As I was growing up, my eldest sister often took me to the dentist to get my baby teeth extracted so that every new tooth would grow at its place. But yeah, we don’t really have much control of our growth, do we? That includes our teeth.

So, I have overcrowded teeth. Like many girls growing up, at one point of my teenage years, I grew really conscious of my teeth that I had learned to smile with my lips sealed tight. I have mastered the smile that I look the same in almost every photograph, save the candid ones.

One day, I was laughing so hard that a friend said to me “I had never seen you relax your mouth and smile like that before” Funny I wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that, part of me was quite embarrassed really.

My wisdom teeth grew few years back when I was 20. Since then I’ve been biting the inner sides of my mouth. So yeah, those need fixing.

There go two main reasons. I guess that’s enough for the first post on this topic.

With this thing on, it's difficult to wear a tight-lipped smile. So people, bear with this horrible sight. ahaha
I need to brush my teeth. Heheee.


chimidama said…
Oh did? Alaaa.. xada da la gigi manis tu?

Is it really working? sebab I thought dah 18 tahun gusi keras meh..hehehe...
asriah said…
ahaha... not so manis la.

I think it does. there are many adults getting braces thesedays.

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