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New Addiction

I didn't know that Hamza Namira has a new album, Insan, after Ehlam Ma'a (Dream with Me) until today... now I'm so addicted to this song. I like that most of his songs in Insan ain't so melancholic... so refreshing!

ياما نفسي أعيش انسان قلبه على كفه
Oh how I wish to live like a human being who carries his heart in his hand
كل اللي بردانين ف كفوفه يتدفوا
All those feeling cold would find warmth in the palms of his hands

يضحك يضحّك خلق الله
When he laughs all of God’s creation laughs
يفرح يفرّح كله معاه
When he’s happy he makes everyone else happy
إنسان جواك وجوايا

A human being inside you and me
إنسان له حلم له غاية
A human being who has a dream and an aim

اللي معاه على طول مش ليه
He’s always giving away everything he has
ولا حتى روحه ملك إيديه
And he doesn’t even own his own spirit
جواه في قلبه ونن عينيه
Inside his heart and in the depths of his eyes
شايل أمل وشروق وحياة
He carries hope, sunrise and life

إنسان بيحب ولا يكره
A human being who loves and never hates
إنسان شايل أمل بكره
A human being who has hope for a better tomorrow
بيبان في الشدة ويطمّن
He appears in the midst of hardship and reassures others
ولا خان ولا عمره هيخوّن
Never has he betrayed nor will he ever accuse anyone of treason

كلمات: حازم ويفي
لحن: حمزة نمرة


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