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It's just another Sunday (tiada idea dah nak letak tajuk apa)

It has become a routine it seems... to walk solitarily around city and visit a bookshop every Sunday. But this time I didn’t browse from every genre to every book, but I sat quietly within shelves and read poetry… Hahaa… so much fun… But why are those poetry books so expensive? Dahla org jarang beli, mahal pula… haish… I wonder if someday I would be able to compile my puisi… A dream is a dream… but sometimes a dream does come true…btw, did you know that to experience the least expected moment is very unexpected?

Forget it; I don’t know what I was saying…

Anyhow, I jotted down some interesting title of those poetry anthologies… there are 3 of them that I really like;

1. Poem A Day, edited by Karen McCosker & Nocolson Albery
2. The McSweeney’s Book of Poet Picking Poet
3. Sor Juana, Octavio Paz

Well, the third one is more like a literature review… But since I had read some of Octavio Paz writings… I kind of like it very much… it’s quite academic in a way, though… not so cool for evening tea…

And again, I don’t buy any… hahaa.. but end up buying a half dozen of doughnuts. Bukan utk makan sorang… setengah dozen tu!...

I plan to look for those books online… maybe I could get them for a better price.

Someday I shall have a library of my own… A small room within a tropical garden… designed to be naturally aired and lighted... walls are painted in white, with some minimalist artistic murals… furnished with wooden shelves and colourful cushions… Decorated with sunflowers and building miniatures… water flows underneath the glass floor… The air is filled with the scent of musk… weh! Bangun Asriah… mimpi pula!!!
Hehe… but that sounds pretty cool isn’t it…

Come to think of my dream space or dwelling… I never dreamt of living in a mansion, really… All I want someday… is just an average size house… That could give comfort to me and my love ones… and I’ll design it myself inshaAllah… and what for having a mansion, if the atmosphere is all cold and lonely… Isn’t a small house with warmth and love is better… and the best of all houses to live in (in this dunya)… is the house in which love grows and flourishes by the Mercy of the Oft Merciful… a house full of barakah… and the best dwelling of all, is of course… Al-Firdaus…

Ok… ok… ok… Btw, a new pop up shop is opened in Melbourne Central… It’s just another expensive women clothing shop… but what is really cool is the concept, they use only recycled corrugated cardboard (you know, the brown box kind of material) as castle-like decoration of the store front and as well for furniture… really cool… hey architects, you guys shall have a look of it… it’s a pop up shop… a lady there said they’ll probably be there around 2 months only… but don’t buy anything… all stuffs are expensive…unless you want to give it as a present to me.. **wink**wink**

And.. yeah… a pair of glass high heels shoes with a big pink ribbon on top of each is really really reallly cute… But who would wear that? fine, I'm just being jealous... because I can't have em.... haha.. but even if I bought em, when and why on earth am I going to wear... perhaps my niece will think they're hers... they are adorable though.... really

Ok… I shall stop… merepek sungguh… but I would like to share this one quote form one of the books mentioned above…

“The firmest faith is in the fewest words”

Have a Good-day! =)


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