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Showing posts from January, 2009


I wrote this , to remind myself of how great my life is and how grateful I should be...and to efface my worries on a few matters. ... So many things had happened lately and i learned so much from other people experiences. Growing up in a family of adults is different from any upbringings one might imagine. 14 years gap between me and my brother does not separate us, but somehow i wish i could be a more understanding sister... My staunch little self always being so defensive upon so many circumstances.. but i guess, I'm beginning to understand my being... Sometimes, i really wish that I don't know much about other people life..sometimes I wish I don't listen to their huffs and puffs... So that, I could live this life freely without worrying too much about..almost everything... But life goes on as it was written, to whine is to be ungrateful... indeed I'm very grateful for this wonderful life of mine... There are more sufferings in the other part of the world.. and, I...


Sungguh, agak sibuk 2,3 hari ni memandangkan khamis ini punya mid-crit ... Apapun, dalam lena dan jaga, kisah mereka tak pernah ku lupa... Jangan terbeli dengan pengunduran Israel dari Gaza.. teruskan usaha menentang mereka...


Happy Chinese New Year, Mak! Ahaaa.... bu xing...bu xing!!! That will seriously upset my mak... The worst thing to mention in my family is to question about my mak's biological parents. I know, it might not be the 'Chinese' part that would really upset her, but the fact that she was adopted. My mak lived a hard life before, she had once told me that her foster brother was so mean, teasing her that she is ' anak bela '.. owh God, that wasn't teasing, it was insulting... However, i can hardly hide my curiosity, since i know my mak was adopted (I think I was around 14 at that time), I always wish that someday, i could find her biological parents...well, it wasn't just me.. my brothers n sister were once wanted to look for it, but there was an objection from ayah.. I suppose, ayah doesnt want mak to be upset...and, he was right too.. that wouldn't change a thing... but, well.. we are just curious... Anyway..I love my mak for whoever she is... knowing her pa...


My 3rd Rally & March... Alhamdulillah.. May our voices be heard...n changes will follow, inshaAllah...


Bismillah... Yesterday, I went to a meeting regarding Palestine - Israel conflict held by Socialist Alternative. Well, I'm not one of their members even though I, once accidentally gave my details to them. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, these people are doing a really good job. By the way, back on the story of meeting, it was actually open to everybody and I got the info from last rally on Sunday. Along with me are my housemates, Oya n Mas. 3 speakers gave talk on the meeting, forgive me, I can't remember their names but they gave really good talks. One of them was directly brought from Gaza a representative from Union of Health Committees Gaza, he is a nurse there and currently in Melbourne giving talks regarding the real situation in Gaza. I wasn't shocked when he told me that there is no guarantee that all the troops had been widrawn from Gaza even though Israel had announced the cease-fire. Expected. Since when Israel kept their promises n media talks the truth? B...


Well, 2 posts in a day... the reason is.. well, no particular reason, my previous post was on the world current issue and this is on my current issue.. it's a warm summer night which restrains me from shutting the window and makes the free melody from the jazz club next door sounds louder than ever... I was really trying to do my tech assignment, trying to figure out the structure and bla..bla..bla.. but sticking my brain on that for the whole day really exhausts, i decide to write a post... Last night, i had a chat with a friend, Malaysian Chinese who is a christian, well, i consider him as a religious christian as he himself proclaimed that he is religious. Anyway, religious or not, that wasn't my main concern.. But, what was really provoking is that he proudly announced that he loves Israel. I know, everyone has own right to side in any side he prefers. But, for him who is, I suppose should be able to see right from wrong, shall be able to tell who is the villain and...


Yaa..Sekarang dia sudah bergelar presiden, nanti dulu... Lihat siapa disekelilingnya... Orang bilang, jika mahu kenal siapa diri kamu, lihatlah orang-orang disekelilingmu.... Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State Mungkin kembalinya ke White House mengimbas kenangan lamanya di situ sebagai First Lady dalam lingkungan tahun 1990an. Jangan lupa pentadbiran Clinton yang sungguh militan dan polisinya yang brutal. Semasa berkempen dahulu Obama sendiri bercerita betapa HC mendokong perang ke atas Iraq bahkan HC sendiri semasa berkempan lterang-terangan enggan bertolak ansur terhadap isu Iran. Aduhai sayang.. Robert Gates - Defence Secretary Jawatan dikekalkan semenjak pentadbiran Bush. Bahkan pernah menjadi Direktor CIA. Bos lama takkan dilupa.. Rahm Emanuel - White House Chief of Staff Pro-Israel tegar!! John O Brennan - Adviser on Intelligence Matters & Co-leader of Obama's transition team Semasa pentadbiran Bush, Brennan mendokong tindakan menangkap dan menyiksa tahanan di tempa...



Masih punya masa kamu? Bersenda tawa bersorak suka... Masih punya masa kamu? Melompat girang menari riang... Masih punya rasa kamu? Malakar cinta bercanda asmara Masih punya rasa kamu? Menyanyi puja idola sukma Mata kamu, buta? Telinga kamu, tuli? Lidah kamu, tiada? Hati kamu, mati? Akal kamu di mana? Aduh sayang... Tenunglah... Darah terperah, kepala pecah, badan bersepah, isi terlapah Aduh sayang... Pandanglah..


Bukan tak suka Tapi tak boleh Bukan tak mampu Tapi aku malu Bukan benci Tapi aku tak sudi Bukan marah Tapi aku tak salah Beginilah Sudah..sudah..sudah Jangan bicara belakang Aku bisa dengar Jangan maki hadapan Aku bisa lawan Hidup jangan bercakaran Ingat tuhan Kawan tetap kawan Tak mungkin jadi lawan Cuma akrabnya ada batasan Ukurlah guna Iman Sekian...


BISMILLAH.. Ceritanya begini, sudah berkali cuba menulis entri, namun entah, entri liat sekali terhasil, punya idea tak punya kata, punya kata tak punya makna. Kakanda tersayang telah pun berangkat pulang, pastinya dia tak sabar bertemu suami tersayang, moga dirimu selamat terbang pulang. Hari demi hari, dipenuhi berita sakit hati dan sungguh aku benci..sungguh Si bangsat Israel tak pernah berhenti membunuh mati saudaraku dan Amerika durjana sungguh tak berguna. Aku turut tawar hati dengan Obama, perlantikan orang disekelilingnya sungguh mengambarkan mereka semua sama. Alangkah hingusannya aku menaruh harapan pada dia. Mulanya terpanggil untuk membeli buku tulisannya, membaca cerita tentang dia, namun..sudahla...mungkin sesudah dia meninggal dunia menjadi sejarah, baru aku baca, itupun jika aku masih ada. Semalam habis sudah buku cerita 'Meena'...seperti biasa aku gemar cerita benar tentang manusia, cerita karut rekaan..erm..mungkin jika aku punya masa lebihan...autobiografi Me...


GAZA ...we don't just weep, but we gotta act for our brothers and sisters... Probably this is not my best effort but all of us gotta at least do something, for Melburnian, there will be another rally in front of state library on 18th Jan...Lets together fight against the illegal state of Israel, fight for our brothers' blood and tears...


My Memory (Piano) - Yiruma Engulfed by memories, I'm draping 2008 through reminiscing the past. For a moment, im so thankful for being able to survive through all the bads n goods of life. There were moments that i wish i could just erase from my history, yet i realize that those moments were somehow my best teachers. Through experiences, i knew life and i found my way to survive. Compared to others, i might be a little behind when i return to this track, but thank to Allah, it is not too late. Reminiscing the past isn't as bad as some people might think. Many say that we should look forward and move on, i personally find, looking at the past is a good motivation to move on, just as good as dreaming of the future. Therefore, i, always turn back n reminise. My past lives in me, as long as im alive. Future, i am not sure, but i know the best is to live this moment at my fullest because, that is reality. However, it is better not to talk about those living memories but rather say ...