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"O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansab and Al Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are abominations of Satan's handiwork. So avoid that in order that you may be successful." (5:91)

A few weeks ago...
B: Hey, would like to join us..? go for a beer..just at the bar next door..
Me: Sorry, I DON'T DRINK!
B: Oh..

Being a muslim in the western or australiasia countries, you must know how to say "sorry, i dont drink..." believe in me, for some people it is hard to say. believe in me, i've seen such and such had fallen into this fahsha.. believe in me, if you feel shy to say this, they will have no respect in your belief... believe in me..for the sake of your must stand steadfast..

Last year...
K (Tutor): Do you know there is a bar at XXXXXX Street? The interior is great..blablabla..
D (muslim): Yeah..yeah..i know that, its great, i've been there..owh, everything is blablalablablabla...
J: Yes...blablablaaa
Everyone: blablabla..
Me: (so silent...not speaking a word) am i the one in the studio who doesnt know a thing about that bar??? In fact, i don't know any

Was it a shame..????..wallahi, NO..I'm proud...I breeze through the studio Alhamdulillah..without knowing any bar...:)

Last semester..
RB (Tutor): We'll be departing to XXXXXXXX for the site study on friday. We'll have a party at WWWW Bar on friday night and the site study will begin on the next morning.
Me: I'll be there on Saturday then.
MB (Subtutor): Why??? Don't u wanna be with us???
Me: Sorry, I take my religion seriously..

Wallahi..HE, who is The Greatest at strength had bestowed such courage to say it... In so many ocassions, they don't know that u dont drink..but the hardest situation is when...

W: you don't drink???
Me: No, I Dont..It's forbidden in my religion.
W: Yaaa..I Know that, but such-and-such..does drink..

Yes, it happens. Some non-muslims, they know that Muslims are not allowed to drink but they think, it's 'okay' to drink because some Muslims do drink... We'll what am i supposed to say? "For God sake, they are sinful people", "Oh God, they are going to hell..","They are not muslims anymore.." Hahaha.. Of course not...

Me: Some people do, some people don't. But, to follow the real teaching of Islam means.. do not drink. Islam is a very beautiful religion. It forbids drinking as it causes blablablabla... (gotcha...i got a chance to talk about my religion to you..hahaha..)

The tricks are..
(applicable in other issues as well...)

1st: Tell the person the reality of Muslims today
2nd: Tell the person the real teaching of Islam regarding the issue (This will as well deviate the attention toward the other muslim who commits the 'fahsha')
3rd: Talk about the beauty of Islam (But, remember, do not insult the person's religion if his religion allows that kind of 'fahsha')

"They ask you ( O Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say in them is a great sin and (some) benefits for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit....." (2:219)

Thats all for today..Salam


Pok Kam said…

Salam & not too late to wish you Selamat Hari Raya.
Anonymous said…
Salam & selamat hari raya too..thanks
Q said…
hehe good asriah! i've been invited to join them to drink also at the beginning of the semester but i just said "sorry i dont drink". if only i have the courage like you to eleborate more on the reasons why i cant drink etc.

p/s: dah lama tak dengar tazkirah rindu pulak ;)
Anonymous said…
hee...nak dgr tazkirah??? i bley kasik..ahaks!

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