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I love these words...

Journey- The brothahood

sleepwalking in a world that's so cold, don't know where to turn
right turn left turn i yearn for some sort of guidance
confusing flusters bounce in my throbbing mind where can i find a guide to take my hand

lead me in the way of the perfect creation, he who is guaranteed paradise but still weeps,

standing long in the night with hurt feet, Our blood at the moment is dirt cheap, spilling on the land

spilling on the sand,where is my iman...please take me by the hand wake me from this sleep,

convert this solid rock inside my chest lacking purity and soft-ness and i need a rest from this busy world

to find myself, forget my weatlh, my spirtual health it needs some help

where are you...i need some help before i'm judged i need to help myself get help

but the lazy beast which is myself lacks motivation..lacks the patience..lacks instigation

where do i look...or will he find me? i wanna be at the lote tree.. don't walk past

try to fast so i can build up inventory but wheres my sincerity now that's a different story

am i up for the glory and the fame nah just want my name to be mentioned -- don't wanna be questioned

want his pleasure but wanna live forever nervous to meet my creator feel like a traitor will he be pleased

or dissapointed in my behavior...i don't know...why do we act how we do? dieseses of the soul the heart

is sensitive to all that it surrounds vulnerable to smell sight and sound...yet we throw ourselves into

places where the reciever the qalb finds discontent, discontent and we dont repent, blackening

and slowly killing its will to be content...the cure is remembrance which will recompense in

a way that we cant comprehend...Ya Rab make us of those who you are pleased with...a gift which lives

not in the mist but in a life of reality...Please Allah accept our prayers, accept our du'aa and our charity


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