Tomorrow is the final presentation for design studio this semester. Insha’Allah, if I manage to breeze through this one, I’ll be left with one more upper pool studio (next semester)…. followed by the major project (final semester). Hence, I’m done here, Insha’Allah. Either I’ll go back for good or not, that’s a different story. But of course, I don’t want to contribute to the current brain drain. Let’s see what my master degree can do for the country, Insha’Allah. Subhanallah, time does fly like an arrow. It’s hard to believe that I’ll be in my final year here next year. Oh my, I’m feeling old. 23?! Next year, 24? (kalau hidup lagi la)… 25, 26, 27…. Tuaaanyaaaa…… and one day, if I live long enough, I'll wake up with with wrinkles and grey hair. It feels like I just set my foot here, yesterday. Lameeee. Haha… and that’s a lie. To be honest, I feel rotten for being here for so long… if I were to further my study, I’ll definitely look for some other place. I love Melbourne, st...