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Showing posts from August, 2009

Rapik Si Anak Deka

Bismillah... 31 0gos... mana mungkin anak deka senyap sahaja... :) Merdeka. (merdéka) bebas (drpd penjajahan, kurungan, naungan, dll), lepas (drpd tebusan, tuntutan), berdiri sendiri, tidak bergantung pd yg lain: Malaysia ialah sebuah negara yg ~ dan berdaulat; besok ia jadi seorang awam yg ~ dan tidak lagi menjadi perajurit yg dikongkong oleh undang-undang dan di-siplin; ~ ayam bebas sama sekali (boleh me­lakukan sesuatu sekehendak hati); akhbar ~ akhbar yg tidak terikat pd mana-mana parti politik; memerdekakan memberi kebebasan mele­paskan drpd penjajahan (kurungan dll), mem­bebaskan: India telah dimerdekakan pd bulan Ogos 1947; bagaimana dia boleh ~ dirinya drpd kapitalis-kapitalis kecil itu? kemerdekaan perihal merdeka (bebas), ke­bebasan: kita telah berjaya mencapai ~ pd 31 Ogos 1957; pemerdekaan perihal (perbuatan, usaha dsb) memerdekakan, pembebasan; pemerdeka orang dll yg membebaskan drpd penjajahan (kurungan dll). (Kamus Dewan Edisi ke-Empat) Retorik. "Merdekakah k...

Random Thoughts on a Ramadhan Noon 2

Puasa. Bulan puasa begini rindu sama keluarga menjadi-jadi. Kalau boleh tiap-tiap hari nak telefon mak, Tanya mak masak apa. Siapa buka puasa di rumah, kak long bang ngah bangki semua balik ka? (abg ngah rumah sebelah tu boleh kira kategori ‘balik’ kah? Mak masak enak-enak untuk iftar di Al-Qayyim.. hari itu mak masak gulai tulang dengan sambal belacan yang best. Semalam telefon mak buat ayam masak cabai (bahasa standard ayam masak merah kot), resepi baru mak kata. Terkenang anak2 saudara duduk melukut kerumun makanan sementara tunggu tok siak ketuk gendang. Oh, tapi sekarang mereka sudah besar-besar. Tiga tahun sudah tidak berpuasa bersama. InshaAllah kesepatan hanya akan tiba selepas 2 tahun lagi. Moga usia kita dipanjangkan untuk kebaikan. Tetamu . Dapat berita, ada tetamu tak diduga datang bertandang. Oh, cerita lama. Cerita hati yang luka. Cerita fitnah yang menguja. Terima kasih ya tuhan, hantari aku jauh-jauh ke sini. Sungguh, Dia tahu yang terbaik utnuk hambanya. Rumah. ...

Random Thoughts on a Ramadhan Noon

Bismillah... Ramadhan. 8 days.. cepatnya! Quran ..the beautiful story of Yusuf... Death. ..comes when one least expected... Youth. 22... what will be the answer? Jealousy. Quran:chapter 12. Architect. Not a profession but a type of human being. Love. What kind? Culture. "Baju Kurung" Friends. ..everywhere not everyone... Future ..secret.. Iftar. Nak masak apa?              gambar sekadar hiasan 

Sweet Darling

Seriously.. I'm so nervous and excited.. and happy.. and worry.. and excited again.. and nervous again.. Such a mix-feelings that I couldn't describe... I guess, everyone could tell what it is.. yeahh.. it's about Ramadhan.. a princess waiting for her knight in charming armour... yaa.. so nervousss... Ramadhan..ramadhan..ramadhan... really miss it.. and I love ramadhan here.. It's weird.. I'm in a foreign land where the majority are not muslims and they won't be fasting... but I do love ramadhan here.. It's not that my Ramadhan in Malaysia was bad anyway.. of course it's lovely.. expecially to be with my family.. to pray at Al-Qayyim.. it's great.. but here.. in Melbourne.. it's's just different... it's the thing at heart.. the steadfastness.. it makes a whole lot of differences... being aware of so many temptations around.. it makes one strives harder than never... and ramadhan nights here are the greatest nights...

"Can I get to know u without going through a lot of religious talks?"

First of all, thanks so much for pointing it out.. I never knew that I do that all the time until u said so. Sometimes, I'm still shy to pray on public especially around uni...I still feel disturbed when someone passed by me when I was praying on the corner of level 12 staircase... I still wonder what do people think seeing me 'kissing the ground' as that what they always say.. when I'm indeed prostrating to the Lord of everything above, on and below the ground... But I'm happy to know that I still have such guts to talk religion though, I think most of the times I do that unintentionally... But I do feel bad, because I didn't find myself having an appropriate answer when u threw that question to me. Anyway.. Have u ever felt so close or connected to someone, whenever u eat good food u'll think of her, hoping that she can eat it too.. whenever u listen to good music, u wish she will listen too.. whenever u have good times, u want her to be around.. and u wi...

Hancur Hatiku~

Today, after class, I went to Laguna.. with Oya.. for those who have no idea what is Laguna, it is an Asian grocery located in the QV. when we were about to pay our stuffs.. the shop played a song that... for God sake was it really a song? huh.. I think it's an Indonesian song.. but doesn't matter..the point is, it is the most annoying song I ever heard.. can u imagine.. the lyric from the start till the end is only a repeatation of a phrase 'hancur hatiku'....and it goes like.. hancur hatiku, hancur hatiku, hancur hatiku.... hancur hatiku, hancur hatiku, hancur hatiku.... I'm not sure how many times the phrase is repeated but it's about 3 mins long.. how annoying.. what's up with music industry these days? huhu.. it seems that everyone could write a lyric these days... hopefully nothing similar is happening to Malaysian music industry... such a shame... by the way... dear whosoever in the music industry.. know it well that u got one of the most powerful too...


Bismillah Arrahman Arrahim Greatest thanks to Allah who gives me life and shows me the light to lit it. Yesterday, I turned 22. First of all, I would like to thank everyone who had wished me… To Aisyah, your cheesecake is lovely.. Don’t worry about how it looks like.. the taste is superb…ya..and Mas that nasi lemak tastes great too…and Oya… that video really made my day…Actually it’s good to know that u have a collection of my awkward moment photos.. and I love my Tie Rack new hijjab..Thanks girls.. Muna.. I love black.. It’s cool.. For those who wished me a couple of times because I kept saying that I haven’t born before the dawn (Malaysia time) when u wished me around 12 .. I really appreciate it and I was really happy that u guys ‘layan’ my ‘kemengadaan’… On top of all… my ayah gave a really thoughtful wished. “Adik, selamat ulang tahun kelahiran yang ke-.. dah berapa dah umur? ( come he forgot..then I reminded him, 22)….ke-22…. Moga semakin bersungguh dalam ibadat, tingk...

Senibina Islam Dari Sudut Pandangan Kasar Seorang Pelajar Senibina Tahun 3

Apabila ‘senibina Islam’ atau Islamic Architecture dibawa bicara, gambaran utama pada kebanyakan minda adalah reka bentuk bangunan dengan megahnya kubah, ukiran-ukiran mewah, menara gah dan motif bintang. Perletakan imej Islam pada elemen-eleman harfiah (literal) ini secara tidak langsung telah mewujudkan sekularisme dalam senibina. Islam itu sendiri bersifat syumul, pengaplikasiannya mampu bahkan harus wujud dalam semua hal termasuklah senibina. Pencemaran wajah Islam yang berlaku hari ini telah menjadikan aplikasinya dalam senibina bersifat materi dan hanya pada gapaian mata kasar sahaja. Sedangkan aplikasi nilai yang seharusnya dimaknakan dalam sesebuah rekabentuk itu dipandang lupa. Arkitek-arkitek Islam tidak ramai yang mampu ketengah bersama imej Islam, menjadikan rekaan senibina sebagai medium dakwah. Bahkan seorang arkitek yang tinggi fikrah Islamnya apabila bicara tentang senibina sukar menghubungrangkaikan rekaan dengan Islam tanpa melibatkan unsur-unsur materi. Pengaplikasi...