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First and foremost, I would like to pass on my condolences to Australian bushfire victims and their families and my deepest sympathies to those affected by this tragedy. My thoughts are always with them. I'm not Australian but for being apart of its community, I do feel sorrow on what is happening. The death toll is still increasing and as I read on yahoo7 this morning 23 fires are still burning across the state.
For families and friends who wonder about my being here, Alhamdulillah.. my friends and I so far, are saved in our house. The fire is widespreding in country area but we are living in the city. It is quite distant from the place where the fire strikes. Keep on praying that it will not be blown by the wind to this area..Ameen


Pok Kam said…

It is advisable if possible to avoid the heavy smoke and stay indoor. Bad for the lungs.
Anonymous said…
may Allah protect everyone from the worldly fire and protect us from the hell-fire..

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