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This is a draft from 2 years ago, and I should have posted it right then.

I have written so much here. 

For years that have passed, I sent my words into space, and hope for nothing. I wrote, because words swelled in my head, and my tongue tied tight, failed to communicate to people around me, and my heart often searched for people out of my reach, my tear ducts are small, it often burst at the shoulder of a bed instead of finding a soul to rest my head, so this place is the reservoir of my feelings, a dumping place of my useless thoughts, occasionally a good ones, and and arcade of the moments, things and people I wish to remember.

But today I need to tell the world that life has turned out so differently for me. All the melancholic and bitterness I had narrated here seem so distant. My heart had finally found a home. 



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