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Showing posts from November, 2012

Here comes, Another December

I need a vacation.  I need to break away from all this never ending works and use up all my remaining annual and OT leaves which would be nullified as the new year start. Here, we are not compensated for our unused holidays. Such a shame. I like to go to a far away place, where there's no expectation. A total foreign place where there's no one I know and see things I had never seen in my whole life. I'd like to fall in love with a new place, and perhaps with new people too. I have never been in love with a stranger, would it ever be a sweet thing to do? ahaha. Fall in love, with a total awareness in my mind that it would only last for a few days. No heartbroken afterwards, only sweet memories.  However, I don't want to go Europe. Although, last year I only had a chance to visit a minor part of the vast British empire, I don't feel like going there again.Yes, I like to go to Venice, Paris and most of all Santorini. But those can wait. For now, if I cou...