I wished to write about my homelessness… and my heart that misses all the good I left back at home… and all the love across the oceans… then I realize that InshaAllah, sooner or later, I’ll find a house, all I need is just to keep on searching and praying... and a missing heart will not recover until the reunion… and the distance only matters to the mind not to the heart… therefore, I decide to drop the subjects… life shouldn’t be so melancholy… let’s talk about something else… something more general… something not about me…
I recently read an interesting post titled “Hargailah kewujudan suami anda” Yes, this is what I meant by something not about me… Owh, wait… maybe, something-not-YET about me… ok, that sounds more appropriate… hehe..
I’m not going to review the post… click the link and read at your own risk, no I mean for your own good whether you are married, single or divorced…
“Wuuu… interested bout this sort of thing, huh? Ada apa-apa ka? “
Haa… spekulasi! Ketuk ketampi lima kali… it’s not like that… it reminds me of many things/stories/real life experiences… also, a TV drama series “di bawah ketiak isteri”… tau dak siri tu? TV 3 kot, eh 9? Eh, 7? Entah tak ingat… tapi adalah kat TV… for God sake, I didn’t follow that series (saya hanya menonton chanel org tua2 no555, harap maklum)… but, happened to accidently watch it when I was visiting a relative… lagipun, kerap iklan dia…
OK, I don’t really know the main theme of the drama, so I’m making an assumption here, it must be some sort of lame vulgar idea of a wife = queen control / abusive wife… people, have u noticed? kalau tengok tv kat Malaysia tu, segala macam drama cerita (drama Indonesia termasuk sbb banyak sangat kat Malaysia)… a story of a wife who abuses her husband (normally does not appear as the main theme) is becoming the norm in the society… setengah tu, bini dia sampai boleh tarik telinga dan si suami tu terhengeh2 terheret masuk dalam rumah… lepas tu, kadang boleh tempik laki sampai dengar satu taman… kadang buli laki jadi meja, buh gelas ayaq atas belakang… laki kena suruh denda lompat katak… dan macam-macam lagi…
People, what are these…???!!!
My real life encounter… laki sepak terajang bini, banyak lah kes… bukanlah org terdekat… nanti spekulasi pula… tp adalah pernah dgr/jmpa…
Isteri queen control? Hahaa… ada, bukan tak ada… (ada org ckp cerewet tu bibit queen control, really?) tapikan… saya menyokong seperkaralah, QC is not for Queen Control.. but for Quality (Quantity?) Control instead…heee…
Anyways… there are many ungrateful people out there, and some of them happen to be wives… As the post mention regarding the hadith and all… Memang pun… Kadang org perempuan ni bila bercakap…
“sejak kita menikah 23 tahun, abang tak pernah bawak chek jalan-jalan…”
“sejak kita kawen 10 tahun, abang tak pernah beli baju selai pun kat chek…”
“sejak kita pindah mai sini, abang tak pernah kot nak tanya chek sihat ka dak…”
“sejak kita bukak nursery, abang tak pernah bagi bunga ros kat chek…”
Well, I would say that… these are merely women's figure of speech… but what are in those?
1. Lies
2. Ungratefulness
(too much to elaborate... boleh nampak kot?)
(too much to elaborate... boleh nampak kot?)
So, I try to imagine what are some of the answers could be… heee…
“Takkan la menikah 23 tahun tak pernah pi jalan-jalan… yang kita ronda kat pasar malam tu apa?”
“Takkan kahwin 10 tahun, tak bagi baju sehelai pun… yang sepersalinan masa kahwin tu bukan abang beli?”
“Buat apa lagi abang nak tanya kalau hati abang dah boleh rasa chek sihat ka dak, lagipun sejak kita pindah, chek dah makin bulat…”
“Amboih, melampau… nursery lagi abg bagi minta bunga ros apa lagi?”
So… be it merely a meaningless speech… a wife should never says such…yes, we women always complain about many things especially to men… I think that’s because we see things differently from them and we expect them to understand… but I suppose, Allah created us, men and women… not to be like each other… but to complete each other… that’s why we are different in many ways… I’m not married, very inexperienced in this matter… but from my observations (growing up among the adults is a great advantage…hehe)… a profound understanding between both is fundamental…and what creates the understanding?...it’s far beyond talking and listening…it’s the art of acceptance…
OK, back to the matter of the abusive wife. Yes, they exist… somewhere… but it’s not a norm…
1. Cerita tu, dahlah digambarkan dalam masyarakat melayu… beragama islam selalunya… mana perginya rasa hormat yg dituntut agama?
2. I would say, such story/scene of abusive wife has downgraded us as women… it’s a humiliation upon us who suppose to be gentle and respectful towards husband.
3. Ramai sangat dahka lelaki dayus zaman sekarang boleh biaq bini jadi macam tu?
4. It has tainted the image of marriage… such holy institution has turned into a joke…
People… marriage is a beautiful thing… that’s why it is promoted by the syariah… of course, there is sweetness and bitterness… there is gives and takes… but it never makes a man pathetic and a woman abusive or vice-versa…
Do you remember how Dennis the Menace had changed the behavior of children when the series first appeared in1959? Many children of that time strangely became naughty by imitating Dennis… Well, I’m not saying that many women will eventually turn into monstrous-super-abusive wives (most married women are adults, takda la senang sangat nak meniru,kan?) due to watching “di bawah ketiak isteri”… the point here is… these days, media shapes the world… since we don’t have much control on what comes from the west… at least, all that comes from us… let it be substantial and morally constructive… boleh dak?
I shall go to sleep… besok nak p inspect rumah… send me your duaa, so that I could get an accommodation before the school commences… thanks…
kak tun... bukan dok dating dahka dalam hutan tu? ka kena berebut masa dengan akamaru? haha